Your search for the best and affordable deals on top searched routes in India ends here. Choose from sleeper, semi-sleeper, volvo and many more buses while booking online and get the affordable fare, multiple paying options and 24x7 customer service.
Unwind in our clean and secure sleeper berths
Our trained staff helps you with easy check-in
Professional bus captain will assist you throught the journey
Personalized luggage handling by trained staff.
Reading Lamp
Water Bottle
Charging Point
Bed Sheet
Personal Wifi
St.Paul Travels aims to rapid growth in this industry by adopting more number of buses
and providing more higher standards of quality and comfort!!!
Track Location
Best Hospitality
Emergency Exit
Safe and Secure
St.Paul Travels a newborn to travels industry, but a unit of St.Paul Travels an excelling company in
the field of infrastructure industry with great quality and commitment.